flowers are good

I like to make coloring pages of flowers. I like to grow flowers also. Taking pictures of flowers is fun. Some cameras can take really good pictures of flowers. I love taking pictures of flowers. I really like to.

You are welcome to use any of the images on this website as you like. They were created for you.

I like to use pretty colors.

I hope you like it.

I to color with crayons. Crayons are awesome. That’s the platform. Some times it’s awesome. A-Z. In a nutshell. It’s nuts. Meaning, it’s crazy. Literally brain blasted all over the walls.

Pick up the shovel and move that dirt. Plant those seeds. The wind and the rains is coming as if by magic. Just pray and hope.

Keep shoveling coal or whatever it is that you’re shoveling and move forward.

Irises in the sun. Flowers are beautiful. I like flowers. Flowers are my absolute favorite clip art thing to mess around with. Flowers and animals and plants and food. I love to help people.


One response to “flowers are good”

  1. flowers are good.

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